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Channa served with a side of bhatura

Friday, April 06, 2007


When we got mom home from the hospital, I was so happy to see that it wasn't winter anymore (at least not in South Carolina). I'm a big believer in the fact that weather can affect one's mood. I think seeing the sunlight and the flowers blooming in the garden that my parents spend so much time on was promising. I am occasionally still plagued by thoughts like "What if she never got to see the garden bloom?" but was reassured after her follow-up doctor's appointment that everything is going to be just fine.

We're so lucky.

And I'd like to thank everyone that sent good wishes and prayers (and flowers! DK/SK!) to mom. She's so grateful and I'm overwhelmed.

Last Sunday, NC took me out to see the Cherry Blossoms. We walked from my place to the Tidal Basin and then around the Tidal Basin - thinking back, it was probably a solid 6 mile walk - which I didn't even notice since NC and I talked non-stop. It was good for the soul to be outside and take in the fresh air. The Cherry Blossoms were gorgeous, as usual.

(photo by NC)

NC's family came to town last week - so we got some quality time with his parents, cousin and Aunt. It's interesting to see how we fit into each other's families. It's virtually seamless. I really enjoyed meeting his cousin who is from India, but studies in Manchester. She is doing her Masters in Corporate Communication, which is the field I currently work in, so she sought some advice from me. Yikes. That's a tall order considering that I doubt I know what I'm doing half the time! Ha! Anyway, we did some shopping and plenty of eating.

This past weekend, I spent some time with the Anuzi, getting our stuff together for Mala's upcoming sangeet. If there's one thing I know, it's that Anuzi is a damn good dancer and coreographer (open a studio, cough, cough). Of course, I've seen her dance before - in multiple performances and just for fun in the club - but it's different being taught by her. She's patient, but strict! In spite of that, we laughed a TON, so at least we got a solid ab workout if nothing else! It did call to my attention that we are all perfectionists in some way, shape or form and there's nothing wrong with that.

I'm eagerly anticipating the arrival of my wonderful cousin, MKK. She's flying in from Detroit tomorrow and, being the obsessive planner that I am, I have a great weekend in store for her!


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